Gift idea: Self-made bouquet of flowers with Kägis

Selfmade gifts are simply the best! We have combined the two classic gifts of flowers and chocolate to create a great and easy-to-make gift idea.

1. What you need for the Kägi flowers: Individually wrappes Kägi minis, paper napkins, small branches or flower stems, pliers, craft wire and tape.

2. Unfold a napkin and separate the individual layers. Make a small hole in the middle. Now thread one layer of the napkin with this hole onto a flower stem. Now you can attach a Kägi mini to the tip of the stem with some tape.

3. First bring the corners of the napkin back down to the napkin hole. Then repeat this with the edges of the napkin. You can now shape the flower to your liking. Once you are satisfied, fix everything in place with a piece of wire just below the Kägi Mini. Your first flower is ready!

Tip: For larger or multi-coloured flowers, you can simply use two napkin layers on top of each other.

28. April 2021